RSI Duel2

Duel2 - Arena 93 Newsletters

A compilation of Noblish Island Articles


Let's start with the facts. There are eight available tactics. Four offensive: lunge (L), slash (S), bash (B), decisiveness (D), and four defensive: dodge (D), parry (P), riposte (R), responsiveness (S). Note: while Reality Simulations uses "S" as the denotation for both slash and responsiveness, in this class we will use slash (S) and responsiveness (s). Similarly, RSI uses (D) for both dodge and decisiveness, and we will use dodge (d) and decisiveness (D) in this lecture.

Are they valuable? Yes. Do we know how valuable? Not really. Is there a trade-off when using one? Yes. Do we know exactly what that trade-off is? No. Most old-time managers say they use tactics quite sparingly, allowing the warriors' natural skills to internally choose their actions. The Consortium probably uses tactics more than any other managing entity. So what does that mean?

Let's start with the Consortium's internal definition/summary of the tactics.

Lunge (L) - focuses the warrior on underhand jabbing or poking; probably adds attack and damage; probably decreases natural defensive reaction; may deoptimize speed; seems to enhance knock-downs.

Slash (S) - focuses the warrior on sideways swiping; probably adds attack and damage; probably decreases natural defensive reactions; probably deoptimizes speed.

Bash (B) - focuses the warrior on overhand downward whacking; probably adds attack and damage; probably decreases natural defensive reactions; probably deoptimizes speed.

Decisiveness (D) - focuses the warrior on swinging first and/or next; almost certainly decreases natural defensive thoughts and actions.

Dodge (d) - focuses on getting out of the way of an attack; less effective, maybe penalizing verses slash; probably reduces the warrior's desire to attack

Parry (P) - focuses on blunting an opponent's attack; less effective, maybe penalizing verses bash, while quite good against lunges; probably reduces the warrior's desire to attack; probably puts the warrior in optimal position to counter.

Riposte (R) - focuses on reacting to an attack by blocking/avoiding and then attacking; surely reduces the warrior's desire to swing unless reacting.

Responsiveness (s) - a counter to decisiveness--very effective; may have other, but unknown, defensive values; may be a detriment if opponent is not using decise either by tactic or naturally

The Consortium usage of tactics probably follows this strategic thinking:

Consider using Lunge, Slash, and Bash when:

  1. You need extra attack or oomph
  2. You feel you need to nudge your warrior to swing
  3. You are less concerned with defending
  4. You are using weapons to match the tactics (e.g. a warhammer does not lunge well, nor does a longsword bash well, nor is a mace good at slashing)

Consider using Decisiveness

  1. When you want to enhance swinging first or have to swing first

Consider using Dodge

  1. When you do not want to get hit
  2. When you have enough defensive skills to make it effective
  3. To protect against known lungers

Consider using Riposte

  1. When you want to enhance stealing the initiative and are not fast/quick/decisive enough

Consider using Parry

  1. When you want to block opponent attacks
  2. When you want to enhance a natural parrying style
  3. When you are really not into attacking
  4. When you think a best recourse is breaking opponent weapons

Consider using Responsivness:

  1. As a direct match to an opponent using decisiveness
  2. When your warrior is naturally responsive (e.g. pikers)

The use of "double tactics" (e.g. both an offensive and a defensive tactic at the same time) seems to have very limiting value, and by most managers is considered negative.

Some other noted Consortium tendencies are:

  1. When Decisiveness is used,it is almost always the 1st minute
  2. Dodge is used most in minute 1 and in desperation
  3. Parry is used a lot, and in any minute, with parrying and scum types
  4. Responsiveness is almost always used on a challenge or if-challenged strategy
  5. Riposte is seldom used
  6. Bash, Slash, and Lunge are commonly used in middle minutes with appropriate offensives
  7. Lunge is used in opening minutes when the jump is "assured" and a knock-down is desired
  8. The most commonly used tactics are Parry and Decisiveness
  9. Favorite tactics are commonly employed in ADM

One must realize that this information is very specific to The Consortium and to the types and styles of warriors commonly run by said group.

Tactics are available. They are often a part of a graduated warrior's favorites. They must have a place or value in D2. But the masses seem to say "Use them wisely."

-- Coach Rah Rah