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Duel2 - Arena 93 Newsletters

A compilation of Noblish Island Articles

Question of the Week #6

From turn 412:

AK's Q.O.W. -- There's no single trick to keeping warriors alive. Constitution and armor probably helps the most because it's more difficult for them to run out of hit points and die in the infirmary, plus they don't go desperate as easy which is usually when the death intent comment comes. Warrior experience is a big help, but it takes time to earn, of course. Tourneys could help with this, but you can die there too. It may be at half chance, but you get so many.... It really comes down to the death intent statement usually. Skill, and toughness (including armor) help to keep you from getting to that point, and once there, only warrior experience makes a difference in reducing the chance of failing the survival role after that death intent statement. -- Adie

AK's Q.O.W. #2 -- It takes a lot more than three master ratings once you get to the middle ranks of ADM. In the lower end, that could be enough. But success is much more attributed to the sum of the warriors' capabilities. Are they tough? Do they have staying power/endurance? Do they defend well, even with low skills? Do they have good rythyms? Do they 'like' their rythyms? How bout their favorite weapon? Is it good and do they love it or hate it? Sometimes a warrior, for a reason not easily definable, just wins. Other super skilled ones can just lose regularly. Of course, each warrior may win at one level of the game, like basic and as freshmen, but maybe lose like crazy higher up. Godlings will commonly come into their own as champions and freshmen. The very rare few can win ALL the way. Those warriors are a true joy.... -- Adie

Another Q.O.W. -- Perhaps it is not the fact that your good roll-ups never get blessed and the others do. But it may be the fact, that you only get few great ones, and it is EASY to remember them not getting gifted. Kind of like that syndrome where people find it easy to remember all the negative things in their life, but find it difficult to point out the equal or more numerous good things. However, if this is not the case, keep those better gifted average roll-ups. Especially those that can win in basic. You may find them winning in ADM later too, especially once they start training stats. Also, if you get enough great roll-ups, you will eventually get gifted ones. Remember, some styles find it easier to be more gifted. -- Adie

AK47 -- Let's see... It says here that the three recently deceased warriors from my team had 'normal', 'a lot', and 'very frail' hit points. The 'very frail' one died in the infirmary, which is a little different. The hit points, if you will, just determine how much damage can be sustained before the warrior goes desperate/frantic/careless/you-name-it. Once that happens, con ceases to matter. I've seen all types of warriors buy the farm, from 7 will to 21, from no armor to APA/F. You hit upon the most important point, winning as much as possible, but beyond that it's all about luck. Running in a friendly arena can help the statistics of dying, but it doesn't mean any individual is safe and unkillable.

Tournies aren't that safe, in my opinion. FEs are helpful, but I think they are just a visible artifact of being a developed fighter. A warrior with a lot of Fes but a lousy learn rate probably isn't much more survivable just due to those FEs. -- Axly

AK47 -- Three masters sounds like a good rule of thumb, but that would vary depending on what the warrior's physicals were like. I might say two masters and two ad exes for defensives, but I'm no expert on them. -- Axly

Hanibal, QoW -- I have no idea. Some styles get gifted more than others, and in certain areas. If you want the best bonuses, run aimers! -- Axly

QOW / AK 47 -- I've found skills keep a warrior alive better than anything. My best learners have all lived. Especially offensives who learn a lot of init and decise quickly. Swing first and keep swinging. I'd take WL over CN for its skills. I fear mentioning this that it may jinx me, but I've never lost a warrior past about 10 fights. Armor has helped me at times, but it robs warriors of much of their finesse. If a good defensive warrior can live through about 5-10 fights and learn well he/she/it should be well on the way to success. -- JRK

QOW / AK 47 -- I think it's an oversimplification to say three masters are needed in AD. I also think it depends on the arena. Andorak is very competitive right now. I have warriors with three advanced masters who can't seem to win much anymore. As to what the requirement is... I think it depends on a number of factors, where you are in the rankings, what your favorites are, what you get in the way of challenges, matchups and where your attributes fall. Three masters and tremendous damage/endurance would be much different from three masters and normal in both areas. I'm not sure a good benchmark can be set. But it is certainly and interesting question. -- JRK

QOW -- Overall, I would lean toward saying the reverse is true as far as giftedness. Most of my average warriors have come out very close to average, usually a little above. While many of my good warriors have been at least +3, often +5 or more. On my all star team of long ago (Maxwell Honorblade, Monica Virtueshield, Michael Honorblade, Corina Honorblade, and Angela Silverblade) all of my warriors were gifted (four of them by +3 or more, 3 by +5 or more), average or not. I also tend to do well in attack and poorly in init. Giftedness seems to be a fickle thing, I suspect this is because the RUGS are involved. -- JRK

P.S. I apologize if it seems I am bragging, but my record and I have never gotten over the graduation of all those warriors.

Axly -- Damned if I know. I found the style-linked starting points very curious. Looks to me like there was an attempt to balance styles that resulted in drastic imbalances! -- Leeta

Hanibal -- Once you've gotten the death-intent statement, only luck will keep you alive. The thing you need to do is avoid getting the death-intent statement. No, this is serious. You can up a warrior's hit points in the design stage, by adding to CN and, I think WL (but maybe ST), and having a large SZ helps. Of course, if you pile the points on there, he may be dumb and clumsy. You can pile on the armor, which will help keep him alive but may lose him fights unless he can scum; some warriors are totally immobilized by armor.

On a more positive note, if I have a warrior who is "very frail" that I really don't want to die, I will use armor, and I will attempt to keep him alive by using the "surrender in desperation" tactic. No, no, it isn't a joke! Honest! Say I've got a frail warrior, probably with normal or lower endurance. I send that boy out running hard, 10-10, even. Sometimes, especially if he's smart and deft, he wins right off. But if he doesn't win right off, he rapidly becomes exhausted and quits.

I forget who it was who suggested this to me, years ago--Phido, maybe. It doesn't always work (nothing ALWAYS works), but it may help. And I'd rather have good warriors lose than die; if they stay alive long enough, they build up skills and start winning. -- Leeta

P.S. Yes, CN keeps you alive better than WL. WL sometimes leads a low-CN warrior to go on fighting a little too long.

P.P.S. Yes, warriors who can take a lot of damage do die, sometimes, because some warriors can dish out a lot of damage.

P.P.P.S. The survival of low-CN high skill warriors is more a matter of strategy than anything else. And, obviously, if you don't lose, you don't die.

P.P.P.P.S. Picking your arena does contribute to warrior survival, but it can be tricky, since a warrior has, as a normal minimum, a year to go before graduation and the character of an arena may change in the course of a year. Andorian is not always a guarantee of relative safety; you need to look at the actual managers present and evaluate THEM for propensity to run killing styles and strategies. In my opinion, tourneys are of limited value in building up a warrior for the regular arena. Sure, the chance of dying is only half that in regular dueling, but the chance of learning skills or training stats is also only half. And that's what increased FE is about: more skills, more stat trains.

P.P.P.P.P.S. There is NO number of fights that will preserve you from being killed, and if you fight equally experienced opponents who happen to be "headhunters," it won't improve your chances much, either! Pick your fights with care, challenge and avoid every time. The only absolute guarantee against death is a potion of immortality (a tourney prize) or graduation.

AK47 -- It depends on the advanced arena you're fighting in. And by "hold your own," do you mean have a 50% winning percentage, or rise rapidly through the ranks, or make it to the top, or what? I have run warriors in Lirin Kiv (ADM 107) from the day it opened, and in that arena, no, you don't have to have three masters. Oh, sure, it HELPS, especially now that the arena has aged enough so that some of the foundation warriors DO have those masters. But it happens to be a small advanced arena fed by small basic arenas, and while the competition among the fossils in the upper levels is stiff, the lower levels aren't that bad. Heck, even MY warriors win sometimes!

Or, try 101, Home Guard. Yes, the current status lets in warriors who are potentially good, but I doubt anyone there has three masters, and if they do, they're probably on their way out. -- Leeta

P.S. And no amount of innate ability on the part of a warrior can overcome for long the effects of careless management. Management may not be ALL, but it's at least half.

Hanibal -- Regarding blessed warriors and great rollups, the law of averages says everybody has a chance to be blessed. But it takes a LOT of warriors for the law of averages to operate visibly. I have had great (in stats) warriors who were blessed and the same who were cursed, ditto for average ones. -- Leeta