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Duel2 - Arena 93 Newsletters

A compilation of Noblish Island Articles

Top 10 Things to Do to Have a Better FTF!

10. Have at least one meal that doesn't involve either McDonalds or Domino's Pizza. Bonus points if that meal includes the use of utensils. (Double bonus points if you already knew how to use utensils)

9. Recycle all those cover sheets and unwanted roll-ups into ammunition for the next great paper ball fight! (And don't assume that because you don't have any ammo, you're not in the game. When these things break out, ANYONE is a potential target! Don't assume that I'm going to throw AROUND you to get to my target, if you're sitting there in the middle of things trying to read your fights as the paper balls fly in all direction, you're not only likely to get hit by a misfired projectile, but I will be aiming for you!)

8. Showering at least once a day is not an option. REPEAT: Showering at least once a day, is NOT AN OPTION!!!

7. Much like a watched pot never boils, asking if your overviews or reprints are there yet every three minutes will only make the person sitting behind the desk irritable (or even more so than usual). They'll be there when they get there.

6. Yes, the printer will break down, the hard drive will crash, and RSI will undergo some sort of catastrophe. This is normal. Be prepared for long delays. Some people like to play Magic while waiting, some of us prefer heavy drinking.

5. For you first timers, it is customary to do a triumphant little war dance each and every time you win a fight, complete with whoop-whoops. That's what the raised platform is for, so the rest of us can see you. If you don't do the dance, RSI will take away your TVs and you will forever get 3 WT roll-ups. Would I lie to you?

4. Converse with your fellow managers. Take the time to chat, and introduce yourself to at least one complete stranger. "Have you seen this warrior?" is not a good way to introduce yourself. "Hi, my name is _______ and I run _______; nice to meet you!" is a much better way to introduce yourself.

3. When the run off fights are being read, I want to hear a lot of noise! Cheer every time a brilliant parry is made, shudder at the impact of a horrific blow, laugh derisively when a warrior falls down. Cheer those who read a good fight, and heckle those who can't. Get crazy. MAKE SOME NOISE GOLDURNIT!!!

2. Conversely, if you insist on reading your fights out loud and you don't have an audience, go back to your room until the urge passes.

1. Buy your good ol' buddy Forge a beer!

As always, your own tips and comments are appreciated. *LOL!* Hope to see you all there!

-- Forge