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Duel2 - Arena 93 Newsletters

A compilation of Noblish Island Articles

Interesting Factoids

or Useful Knowledge About D-2

I get to lecture or advise or ramble some more. I am just a lucky old Smithy. Who am I really, you ask? Sometimes I'm not sure, but today I remember. I am Smithy, manager of Useful Weapons here on Noblish Island. Maybe more importantly, I am but one of the 40+ Consortium managers who have collectively fought nearly 100,000 fights and graduated almost 1000 warriors to ADM. I am an experienced, 25+ year, DMer andD2er. Yes, while here I will compete with you, but that is secondary to my primary purpose--to help you learn and enjoy this wonderful game of ours. May your stay in our world be long, fun, and successful.

Today, I thought I would list for you a random 25 "Did you know that's?". Tidbits, some people call them. I call them information. Feel free to ask questions in subsequent personal ads. I can be really good about answering them in the Noblish Isle newsletter.

Twenty-five random "what you always wanted to know about D-2" statements:

Have fun. Enjoy the competition. Learn, learn, learn. Ask questions. Experiment. The day will come when you, too, are an experienced D2 manager. Good luck.
