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Duel2 - Arena 93 Newsletters

A compilation of Noblish Island Articles

Warrior Handedness

There has always been something FISHY about ambidextrous warriors and what hand they hold their weapons in. If you ask anyone but me, most will tell you the same old line about Ambi's holding their weapons in their left & sometimes in their right. WRONG.... The computer program does something weird here, and I will explain in the program format:

FIGHTER1 is right-handed primary hand = WEAPONA FIGHTER2 is ambidextrous primary hand = Epee off-hand = Dagger back-up = Epee 1. FIGHTER1 swings WEAPONA 2. various computations for attack, parry, defense... 3. FIGHTER1 hits/misses (let's say he hits) 4. computations for attack area/protect area (hit or parry or save) 5. selection of attack area or impossible parry save or random area 6. FIGHTER2 is struck on LEFT ARM 7. selection on warrior file for handedness then correlate with weapon carried; RE_ROUTE --> If ambidextrous select handedness 8. check for fail at hit-points level vs. damage done 9. FIGHTER2 drops his Epee

{at this point you'll never notice much difference. You may even think that the computer at this time, or at the beginning of the fight, designates the weapon side an ambi warrior is carrying. But you'd be wrong.}

10. check for initiative, if yes then check for back-up 11. if no on initiative then continue (current offensive warrior continues offensive), if yes then offensive is broken RE_ROUTE to advantage computations 12. FIGHTER2 spins and pulls out his Epee {so FIGHTER2 should have his Epee is which hand?...his left} 13. advantage computations judge who takes offensive 14. FIGHTER1 swings WEAPONA with devastating force!

{now this will look familiar because it always the same system, the program doesn't change, just the numbers do}

15. various computations for attack, parry, defense... 16. FIGHTER1 hits/misses (let's say he hits) 17. computations for attack area/protect area (hit or parry or save) 18. selection of attack area or impossible parry save or random area 19. FIGHTER2 is struck on LEFT ARM 20. selection on warrior file for handedness then correlate with weapon carried; RE_ROUTE --> If ambidextrous select handedness 21. check for fail at hit-points level vs. damage done 22. FIGHTER2 drops his DAGGER {wasn't that Dagger in his right hand?...guess not.}

...and so on, and so forth.... You'll notice that the program never chooses a weapon side until necessary. This has a few ramifications: hit points in specific areas, selective attacking based on warrior body positioning, and a few other things.

This is true because I have PROOF. Eventually you will get fights that this will happen to. BUT IT AIN'T EASY. It was just luck that I got the hardcopy to show it to me. You may notice that your ambi warriors, if they drop their weapons (and every warrior eventually does), that eventually you will have two different fights where your guy got hit in the same arm and dropped two different weapons. It wasn't until I got lucky and it happened to me twice in one fight (yes I lost the fight!) getting hit in one arm and dropping two different weapons.

You should begin to see some format here. The program breakdown is basic, but is a close enough approximation for you to get a better feel about what's happening.

-- Pagan